There you go again, Janet

Janet Porter, the right-wing fundamentalist purveyor of lies about Barack Obama and promoter of the infamous fake travel ban to Pakistan is back as a shill for a fantastic story about a conversation between  the shadowy figure Tom Fife and an unnamed Soviet couple in 1992. (Could it get any fuzzier?) We have the story courtesy of right-wing front faux news organization, WorldNetDaily who frequently serves as Porter’s mouthpiece.

Typical for tall tales like this, the writer attempts to gain credibility through unverifiable claims that the teller is somehow connected with the intelligence community. In this case, it’s the Defense Intelligence Agency instead of the staple CIA. What is the claim? Barack Obama is a Soviet sleeper agent. The story is has all the hallmarks of fabrication and none of the hallmarks of something that could ever be verified.

Birthers will say anything.

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